Give advice freely and don't wait to be asked. Not everyone realizes how sharp you really are.
Talk about gourmet food to someone on a diet. It lets them practice self control.
When at the buffet line take your time. Folks behind you will appreciate the chance to work up their appetite.
Ram your grocery cart into somebody else's car. You'll be long gone before they even get out of the store.
Ignore all posted signs. This country was built on free thinking rebels like you.
Park close enough to the car next to you so that they can't get their door open. Crawling in the window will give them some much needed exercise.
Safety on the road is very important. Always use your bright lights.
holy... an update?!?! fo sheezy my heezy (or something trendy like that)
Last Updated: 3.02.2k4
I know, I know. Its been a while since this site has seen the light of my computer. But instead of studying for my statistics test tomorrow, I decided my effort would be of better use for bringing this place back from the dead. I made a lot of random changes, updated some stuff so just take a look around. I've got some big plans for the future, but a shortage of time, so I promise to do my best in getting this all updated sooner or later. I do have a year of life to update this with, afterall. Also, I apologize for the ads and junk. Thats craptastic that they're here. But I'm not paying for this, so I guess I don't have too much room for complaining.
my journal of sorts, I suppose. Updated almost daily.UPDATED 3.02.04
They're dinky, they're Pinky and the Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain....
Some hilariously fun stories of my gym class.
A tribute to LCLC and all my peeps there.
My contact info and a small bio of the master behind this chaoticness.
When boredom strikes, look here for a couple ideas.
Some totally new and outrageously fun sites to hit up.
from me, the numero uno wisdom guru.
everyone get your sit-upons
Becky and Sarah are two groovy chicks
fun times at Joe's house.
all about the weird ways of my sister.